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Bob Galen
Agile Trainer & Speaker
Director, Agile Practices at Zenergy Technologies
Agile Book Author - Extraordinarily Badass Agile Coaching
With his deep, in the trenches, agile experience, Bob Galen is widely considered as a "Coach of Coaches" in the agile community.
He's been using Extreme Programming since 2001, Scrum practices since the late 1990s, and Kanban since 2009. He's been actively coaching agile teams, both as an external consultant and internal change agent, for the past 20 years.
Point is: he’s not a recent convert to agile, but instead has been using the methods since the inception of the ideas and approaches. And he hasn’t been simply "consulting". Bob has often held Senior Leadership roles, serving as an internal agile change agent, and has demonstrated a proven ability to create high-performance agile organizations from the inside-out. And he brings that wealth of experience to every client engagement and delivered class.
We work with each client to fully assess and understand their needs. Then propose a solution that will help supplement your experience and achieve your goals. That solution can take the form of customized assessments, coaching, consulting and training.